What is Shab E Meraj and Its Importance?
Shab E Meraj, also known as Lailatul Meraj, is a significant event in Islamic history. The term “Meraj” in Arabic means to ascend or reach up. It refers to a “ladder” used to climb, symbolizing the spiritual journey of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Salallahu Alaihi Wa Salam) on this sacred night.
On Shab E Meraj, Prophet Muhammad (Salallahu Alaihi Wa Salam) was miraculously taken up to the heavens. This journey began from Masjid al-Haram in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, and from there, he ascended to the heavens on the celestial steed, Burraq.
### My Personal Experience
Although I am a Hindu, I have grown up in a village where the bonds between communities have always been strong. My father’s friends, whom we lovingly addressed as “Tau” or “Chacha,” belonged to the Muslim community. They were like family to us, and we celebrated many festivals together, including Shab E Meraj. I still remember the warmth and unity of those nights when our families gathered to pray, share meals, and learn about the significance of this beautiful occasion.
Even as a child, I found myself deeply moved by the stories of Prophet Muhammad’s (Salallahu Alaihi Wa Salam) miraculous journey and the lessons of faith, devotion, and humility that came with it. These celebrations taught me the value of understanding and respecting each other’s traditions, strengthening the bond of humanity beyond religious boundaries. Shab E Meraj holds a special place in my heart, not only for its spiritual significance but also for the cherished memories it has given me.
### Nawafil of 27th Rajab Shab-E-Meraj
#### 1. **6 Rakaats (2 x 3)**
– **Method:**
– Recite Suratul Fatiha once.
– Recite Suratul Ikhlas seven times in each rakaat.
– After completing the prayer, recite Darood-e-Paak fifty times.
– **Benefits:**
– All worldly and afterlife needs will be fulfilled.
– Seventy thousand sins will be forgiven, Insha Allah.
#### 2. **10 Rakaats (2 x 5)**
– **Method:**
– Recite Suratul Fatiha once.
– Recite Ayatul Kursi three times.
– Recite Suratul Ikhlas five times in each rakaat.
#### 3. **12 Rakaats (4 x 3)**
– **Method:**
– **First 4 Rakaats:** Recite Suratul Fatiha once and Surah Qadr three times in each rakaat. After Salam, recite:
“La Illaha Illalahul Malikul Haqqul Mubin” 70 times.
– **Second 4 Rakaats:** Recite Suratul Fatiha once and Surah Nasr three times in each rakaat. After Salam, recite:
“Iyaka Qawiyyun Mu’minun Wahidun Dalilun Bihaqqi Iyyaka Na’budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen” 70 times.
– **Third 4 Rakaats:** Recite Suratul Fatiha once and Suratul Ikhlas three times in each rakaat. After finishing, recite Darood-e-Paak 70 times or Surah Alam Nasrah 70 times.
#### 4. **Special Ibadah of 100 Years’ Rewards**
– **Method:**
– Pray 12 Rakaats (2 Rakaats at a time, completing with Salam).
– In each rakaat, recite Suratul Fatiha and any other Surah.
– After completing all 12 Rakaats, recite:
– “Subhan Allaahi Wal Hamdulillahi Wa Laa ilaah illal Laaho Wallah Hoo Akbar” 100 times.
– “Astagfirullah” 100 times.
– Durood Sharif 100 times (any Durood).
– Finally, make heartfelt Dua for religious and worldly matters.
### Fasting (Roza) During Shab E Meraj
Fasting for two days in connection with Shab E Meraj holds immense superiority. Prophet Muhammad (Salallahu Alaihi Wa Salam) instructed fasting on two consecutive days—27th and 28th Rajab (or 26th and 27th).
– **Benefits:**
– Protection from the torment of the grave.
– Safeguard from the fire of hell.
1. Kanzul Umaal, Part 12; PP: 312-313; Hadith Number: 35170
2. Ahyaul Uloomud Deen, Imam Ghazali (450-505 Hijri)
3. Imam Bayhaqi, Volume 3, Page 374
4. Masaabat Bissunah, Page 70
### Special Prayer on 27th Rajab (After Zohar Namaz)
1. **4 Rakaat Nafl Namaz**
– **First Rakaat:** After Suratul Fatiha, recite Surah Qadr three times.
– **Second Rakaat:** After Suratul Fatiha, recite Suratul Ikhlas three times.
– **Third Rakaat:** After Suratul Fatiha, recite Surah Falak three times.
– **Fourth Rakaat:** After Suratul Fatiha, recite Surah Naas three times.
2. **Post-Prayer Actions:**
– Recite Darood Sharif 100 times.
– Make Dua for yourself and your loved ones.
Those who engage in this prayer will receive countless blessings, and Allah Ta’ala will grant their rightful wishes, Insha Allah.
Shab E Meraj is a night filled with immense blessings and mercy. It is an opportunity for Muslims to strengthen their faith, seek forgiveness, and make earnest supplications to Allah. Let us utilize this night to connect with our Creator and strive for His pleasure. Ameen.

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